100 Days of Bible Promises: A Devotional Journal

100 Days of Bible Promises: A Devotional Journal

B. inggris 3. They ride their bicycles together on weekends. What does the word 'they' refer to?​

3. They ride their bicycles together on weekends. What does the word 'they' refer to?​



You use they to refer to a group of people, animals, or things.

Example: The two men were far more alike than they would ever admit. People matter because of what they are, not what they have


Kata ganti

Anda menggunakannya untuk merujuk pada sekelompok orang, hewan, atau benda.

Contoh: Kedua pria itu jauh lebih mirip daripada yang pernah mereka akui. Orang penting karena apa adanya, bukan karena apa yang mereka miliki

Semoga membantu




you can use "they" to a group of people,animals,others.

example: they are fighting because of a candy!
